A Lifelong Theosophical Worker and Researcher
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Although the example of his selfless efforts can teach valuable lessons to anyone, accounts on the life and work of William Dallas TenBroeck are few and hard to find.
William was married to Valerie TenBroeck. He started using the name “Dallas” to distinguish himself from his father, as them both had the same first name. [1]
Canadian author and theosophist Ernest Pelletier wrote:
“William Dallas TenBroeck (December 20, 1922 – September 2, 2006) was born in Hollywood, California, in a little house that is still standing to this day. His family moved to India while he was still very young and he spent most of his childhood and part of his adult years there. Dallas ran a book and print shop business started by his father. He travelled extensively in the Far East as a representative for a company that supplied college texts. Upon his return to Los Angeles in 1969 he became closely involved at the United Lodge of Theosophists headquarters, all the while earning his living as an independent businessman. His retirement from the business world coincided with the emergence of the Internet. His whole thrust in life was to help spread the ideas of Theosophy through the teachings of H.P. Blavatsky and W.Q. Judge. He became very active on the Internet theosophical discussion groups where he freely passed along theosophical ideas and information to as many people as possible.”
Pelletier adds:
“Dallas always generously shared compilations of information he had culled from theosophical writings, sending them by mail and later electronically to anyone seeking information or who had posed a question on a particular idea. To the very end he worked to spread the philosophy which meant so much to him. Many individuals have expressed their appreciation of his kindness in this regard. Dallas had innumerable contacts around the world, many of whom are very grateful to him for the valuable information he so freely disseminated.” [2]
Two texts by Dallas TenBroeck have been especially well-known and read around the world. One is his thoroughly documented article “Robert Crosbie’s Life and Work”.[3] Another one is his account on the life of the Indian theosophist Mr. B. P. Wadia. In it, Dallas said this about himself:
“B. P. Wadia was a friend of my parents when I was born (Dec. 1922). I have lived near Mr. Wadia, and worked with, and for him, directly and indirectly, until his death in 1958. I hold him in the highest respect, and have studied his life and his works for all these years, also comparing them with the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge on THEOSOPHY. Here was a man who lived to help others, in the sense that Tom Paine wrote: ‘His country was the World, and to do good was his religion’.” [4]
When in December 2003 Dr. John Algeo published a collection of old slanders against H.P. Blavatsky, presenting them as if they were true [5], Dallas TenBroeck took a active attitude in defense of H.P.B.
In 2005, the electronic magazine “The Aquarian Theosophist” created an editorial project in order to defend the truth about H.P.B. Soon after that “The Aquarian Theosophist” reproduced the correspondence between Dallas and the editor of the magazine, Jerome Wheeler, on John Algeo’s book with fake letters. The volume had been published by the Theosophical Publishing House, and Dallas stated his opinion:
“… As a beginning, the material sent to Fohat and other publishers ought to be assembled and produced as a PROTEST – say, a book (perhaps) – so that students have it in hand and use it in correlation with this sad Theosophical Publishing House product we all object to.”
A few paragraphs later he expanded the idea:
“I therefore suggest that a book showing how it is necessary to protest to this publication ought to be issued. It is to my mind a difficult publishing matter. Perhaps The Aquarian Theosophist might first serve to reproduce the material needed for the ‘Protest’ (secure a release from Fohat to reproduce, and those who wrote articles and letters there), and then have it put into book form? (…) My suggestion is to focus on a well written PROTEST and leave room for further material to be inserted as time brings to light.” [6]
Always respectful and friendly to all, Dallas TenBroeck saw as his own duty to defend those who are unjustly attacked, and he acted accordingly.
[1] “B. P. Wadia: A Life of Service to Mankind”, by Dallas TenBroeck. The text can be found in our associated websites. See the paragraphs under subtitle “Additional Observations, From DTB’s Letters”.
[2] “Fohat” magazine, Edmonton, Canada, Volume X, Number 4, Winter 2006, p. 93.
[3] “Robert Crosbie’s Life and Work”, by Dallas TenBroeck. The text is available at our associated websites.
[4] “B. P. Wadia: A Life of Service to Mankind”, by Dallas TenBroeck. The quotation comes from the first paragraph after the subtitle “Additional Notes – A Memorandum”.
[5] “The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky”, edited by John Algeo, Volume I, TPH, Wheaton, 634 pp., copyright 2003.
[6] “The Aquarian Theosophist”, July 2005, Supplement, pp. 18-19.
In September 2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in the different dimensions of life.
E-Theosophy e-group offers a regular study of the classic, intercultural theosophy taught by Helena P. Blavatsky (photo).

Those who want to join E-Theosophy e-group at YahooGroups can do that by visiting https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/E-Theosophy/info.