There Is No Path For Me, No God, No Guide
Ianthe H. Hoskins

The symbolic up-hill path in the search for wisdom, and a photo of Ianthe Hoskins
Editorial Note:
Ms. Ianthe H. Hoskins, a British theosophist and
author, was a dedicated student of H.P. Blavatsky’s.
A woman with a bright sense of humour, she was almost
100 years old when she died in 2001. Ianthe Hoskins’ last
book was “Reflections on Time, Duration and Immortality”,
from which we reproduce the poem below. It suggests that a
truth-seeker must be prepared to face obstacles, especially
if he does not want to delude himself along the way.
There is no path for me, no God, no guide;
I fling away from light and leading hand;
I have no sword, no staff, no friend beside:
Alone, unarmed, I seek an unknown land.
I fling away from light and leading hand;
I have no sword, no staff, no friend beside:
Alone, unarmed, I seek an unknown land.
With bruised fingers and with bleeding feet,
Alone I tread, while round me and before
Foe upon foe assails me, whom I greet
As friends to lead me to the unknown shore.
Alone I tread, while round me and before
Foe upon foe assails me, whom I greet
As friends to lead me to the unknown shore.
Give me no counsel, proffer me no aid,
No star in my impenetrable night;
Alone, alone my journey has to be made
Through the here-darkness to the yonder Light.
No star in my impenetrable night;
Alone, alone my journey has to be made
Through the here-darkness to the yonder Light.
So shall the pilgrim know from whence he came,
The spark be one with the eternal flame. [1]
The spark be one with the eternal flame. [1]
[1] From “Reflections on Time, Duration and Immortality”, by Ianthe H. Hoskins, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 2000, 38 pp., see p. 37.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.