“The Aquarian Theosophist” Reports on a
Project to Defend the Truth About H.P. Blavatsky
Jerome Wheeler

H. P. Blavatsky, in a work by Ukrainian sculptor Alexey Leonov
A 2016 Note of the Editors:
The creation of the HPB Defense Fund was first announced by “The Aquarian Theosophist” in its June 2005 edition. For one year, after that, every month a Report was published in the magazine with this same Statement of Purpose:
“The HPB Defense Fund is specifically dedicated to the publication of an authentic Volume I of Madame Blavatsky’s letters. The proposed volume will have the fraudulent letters in the current Adyar edition removed and also take note of other authors who follow the practice of mixing lies side by side with truth as if they were equally relevant. It is our intent to equip the student and inquirer with eyes to discriminate the authentic from the fraudulent, the clean from the corrupt. A good companion volume for an unbiased overview of the life of Madame Blavatsky. Is already in print: ‘The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky’. (600+ pages). This volume is by far the most readable and best documented work available. – Ed., A.T.”
The effort in defense of HPB proceeded under karma. The intended book was published in October 2013, under the title of “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”. Since Jerome had a health problem in 2006, the resources raised by him were placed in the hands of “Theosophy Company”, Los Angeles, and were not used in the defense of HPB. The book “The Fire and Light” was published with resources independently raised by the Portuguese-Brazilian Associates of the ULT, as explained in the chapter one of the book. A small portion of the Fund raised by Jerome was requested by its Portuguese donors to be returned, and was duly given back to them. As of 2016, however, the episode remains as a karmic enigma and as a warning for those who will defend HPB or the truth: they must be ready to face obstacles.
In its May 2006 edition, pp. 17-18, “The Aquarian” published the Report which we reproduce below.
Jerome Wheeler
Notice: Thanks to friends of HPB all over the world, and most recently, Biosofia – Centro Lusitano, Portugal, The HPB Defense Fund has reached its goal and now stands at 10,157.87 as of April 30, 2006. Work can now proceed at a faster pace in the preparation of the MSS, and negotiations have begun with Sheridan Books of Ann Arbor, Michigan. We will keep you informed of any major expenses or income that occur. – Jerome
Cumulative gifts as of April 30, 2006— $10,157.87 .
[ Donors and Amount in US dollars: ]
ER 500.00
Anonymous 50.00
DLJ 50.00
EPB 200.00
MRJ 50.00
DLJ 100.00
RD 250.00
Anonymous 50.00
PHX 500.00
Anonymous 20.00
Anonymous 20.00
Anonymous 500.00
RD 500.00
GR 1,248.00
CR 50.00
EPB 300.00
Anonymous 20.00
James & Sally Colbert 50.00
Anonymous 100.00
Anonymous 25.00
APGr 500.00
DB 50.00
Friends in India 100.00
Pacific Rim Theosophist 10.00
Anonymous 25.00
GB 30.00
Anonymous 25.00
GLS 500.00
KS 500.00
Anonymous 200.00
Anonymous 200.00
A.B. 50.00
Nati 20.00
E.P.B. 200.00
Anonymous 100.00
From a lodge en Merida, Yucatán, Seeking union for all Theosophists, 150.00
Biosofia – Centro Lusitano 2,400.00
CGB 50.00
A friend to the historical lineage of HPB 134.23
Accrued Interest 118.64
Anonymous 221.00
TOTAL as of April 30 2006 — $10,157.87
The HPB Defense Fund is specifically dedicated to the publication of an authentic Volume I of Madame Blavatsky’s letters. The proposed volume will have the fraudulent letters in the current Adyar edition removed and also take note of other authors who follow the practice of mixing lies side by side with truth as if they were equally relevant. It is our intent to equip the student and inquirer with eyes to discriminate the authentic from the fraudulent, the clean from the corrupt.
A good companion volume for an unbiased overview of the life of Madame Blavatsky. Is already in print: “The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky”. (600+ pages). This volume is by far the most readable and best documented work available. – Ed., A.T.
“She has no need of any man’s praise; but even she has need of Justice.” William Q. Judge
(End of transcription from “The Aquarian Theosophist”, May 2006)
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.