A Few Steps to Be in
Harmony With Our Higher Self
Steven H. Levy

Karma is the undeviating universal law of Nature that restores harmony, balance and equilibrium. Finding balance in one’s life is a path of study of Nature’s laws so that one can live in accordance with those laws. Maintaining balance is a path of action or duty continuously pursued and regulated by an understanding of karma.
Physical nature alone is so vast that it may seem to be an impossible task to comprehend the laws of nature. Yet nature’s secrets are visible and manifested right before us and within us. If Man is a small copy of the Universe, it follows that “as above, so below”. Nature’s secrets and the keys to finding balance lie within us. They may be known and grasped if we cultivate the practice of self-study. This is to be followed by self-discipline.
Looking within, we know immediately what it means to be in balance. Harmony in the outer world corresponds with inner tranquility. Emotional equilibrium exists when there are no stirrings of anger, jealousy, or sorrow. Inner tranquility also exists when our feelings of pleasure and joy are not extreme. There are events, seemingly beyond our control, which disturb our inner tranquility. There are thoughts, desires and actions, within our control, which either disturb or restore and maintain our inner balance. The inner life is not only where we can begin to understand the laws of nature, it is also where we can begin to gain control and find balance.
Theosophy, the accumulated wisdom of countless generations of sages, gives us this important clue. When we conduct our inner life and perform our outer duties in harmony with our Higher Self, which is the One Self in each and all, we are living in harmony with all that lives.
Living in Harmony with our Higher Self requires recognition of the spiritual unity and identity of all beings with the One Self, or Absolute Deity. A prerequisite to this recognition is grasping the idea that we are not separate; therefore, separateness or selfishness in all its expressions must be restrained. This is only half of one’s duty. The other half is cultivating altruism in thought, word, and deed. As soon as we try to check, test and verify this teaching with our own experience, the inner life will be a laboratory where we can study the resulting emotional balance or disturbance, if we waver from our duty.
The above text was first published at the March 2013 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.