The Long Life of a Spiritual Soul
Kahlil Gibran

An Editorial Note:
The following poem by Kahlil Gibran
can be read as a commentary to the first
noble truth of Buddhism, Dukkha. It teaches
that living implies suffering, or afflictions.
In theosophy, the “Song of Man” could
well be called “The Memories of a Monad” or
“Autobiography of a Spiritual Soul”. On the other
hand, it is also a story of mankind’s spiritual evolution.
The poem is reproduced from pp. 63-64 of “Tears
and Laughter”, by Gibran, The Wisdom Library /
The Philosophical Library, New York, 1949, 94 pages.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
I was here from the moment of the
Beginning, and here I am still. And
I shall remain here until the end
Of the world, for there is no
Ending to my grief-stricken being.
I roamed the infinite sky, and
Soared the ideal world, and
Floated through the firmament. But
Here I am, prisoner of measurement.
I heard the teachings of Confucius;
I listened to Brahma’s wisdom;
I sat by Buddha under the Tree of Knowledge.
Yet here I am, existing with ignorance
And heresy.
I was on Sinai when Jehovah approached Moses;
I saw the Nazarene’s miracles at the Jordan;
I was in Medina when Mohamed visited.
Yet here I am, prisoner of bewilderment.
Then I witnessed the might of Babylon;
I learned of the glory of Egypt;
I viewed the warring greatness of Rome.
Yet my earlier teachings showed the
Weakness and sorrow of those achievements.
I conversed with the magicians of Ain Dour;
I debated with the priests of Assyria;
I gleaned depth from the prophets of Palestine.
Yet, I am still seeking the truth.
I gathered wisdom from quiet India;
I probed the antiquity of Arabia;
I heard all that can be heard.
Yet, my heart is deaf and blind.
I suffered at the hands of despotic rules;
I suffered slavery under insane invaders;
I suffered hunger imposed by tyranny;
Yet, I still possess some inner power
With which I struggle to greet each day.
My mind is filled, but my heart is empty;
My body is old, but my heart is an infant.
Perhaps in youth my heart will grow, but I
Pray to grow old and reach the moment of
My return to God.[1] Only then will my heart fill!
I was here from the moment of the
Beginning, and here I am still. And
I shall remain here until the end
Of the world, for there is no
Ending to my grief-stricken being.
[1] Since there is no monotheistic “god” in the universe or outside of it, such a word can only mean one’s own higher self and spiritual soul, also known as Atma-Buddhi, the Monad; or the higher levels of consciousness inhabited by one’s spiritual being. (CCA)
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.