In Capricorn Until 2023, Pluto Dismantles
Routines and Brings Wisdom to Mankind
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Pluto and its main Moon, Charon
“… A new covenant, not of the letter but of
the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
( 2 Corinthians, 3:6 )
How can one better understand the changes our humanity has been undergoing on the psychological, social and planetary levels of life? The first step may be to critically observe the point of view from which we look at reality.
In “The Voice of the Silence”, H. P. Blavatsky shows the difference between the “doctrine of the eye”, that sees appearances, and the “doctrine of the heart”, that shows the essence and the occult wisdom. In every phase of human history, there has always been a struggle between form and contents, outer shell and inner life, exoteric perception and esoteric understanding.
A constant conflict between appearance and reality can be observed in the history of philosophical and religious thought. The paradox is present in great events as well as in small ones. Form and contents get combined and mixed up in each one’s consciousness and also collectively. The theosophical and esoteric associations are no exceptions to the rule.
The Theosophy of Jesus
Many of those who follow the work of our e-groups and associated websites know that there are points in common between the non-bureaucratic sectors of the theosophical movement and the ancient and primitive Christianity.
The Christians of the first centuries had no bureaucracy or formal institutions. The Vatican built its imperial and ritualistic forms of Christianism during the Middle Ages. Something similar took place in the history of the theosophical movement: it was after the first decades of pioneering action that the process of “authority” and blind faith took place, especially from Adyar; yet some sectors of the movement have kept the original proposal alive. Among them one can see the Independent Lodge of Theosophists.
In the Middle East, the relation between Jesus and the priestly bureaucracies of his time was one of confrontation. In the 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky challenged in similar ways the main ecclesiastical corporations and was persecuted by them.
According to esoteric philosophy, the real life of Jesus was quite different from the symbolical narrative one can find in the Gospels.
With regard to the true or historical Jehoshua, theosophy brings us data and information from the Jewish Talmud. In her work “Isis Unveiled”, H. P. Blavatsky shows that the persecution of Jesus (promoted not by all of the people, but by the sect of the Pharisees) was a reaction against his theosophical philosophy of universalism and inter-religiousness. Mentioning sources as the Sepher Toldos of the Talmud and Eliphas Levi, HPB writes:
“…The same Talmudist says, in substance, the following: Jesus was thrown in prison, and kept there forty days; then flogged as a seditious rebel; then stoned as a blasphemer in a place called Lud, and finally allowed to expire upon a cross. ‘All this’, explains Levi, ‘because he revealed to the people the truths which they (the Pharisees) wished to bury for their own use. He had divined the occult theology of Israel, had compared it with the wisdom of Egypt, and found thereby the reason for a universal religious synthesis’.” [1]
These facts make it clear that the universal wisdom does not obey to priesthood and religious bureaucracy. It has kept away from conventional sacerdotal castes which present themselves as the owners of divine knowledge and as the “intermediaries” between sacred wisdom and the uninformed population.
True theosophy has, therefore, essential characteristics in common with primitive Christianity, and with the inner wisdom of the other religions and philosophies. In the same way, corporative and ritualistic forms of pseudo-theosophy, as those developed in the Adyar Theosophical Society and elsewhere, have much in common with the conventional Christianity of the Vatican and with the bureaucratic shells of the other religions.
Pluto in Capricorn Until 2023
In the present planetary transition, human karma has been changing in deep and quick ways. There is now in the astral light a subtle energy which is favourable to the destruction of false shells and of structures which resist truthfulness. This is especially perceptible since 2008 and will proceed until the year of 2023, because in this period the planet Pluto is in transit in the sign of Capricorn. The fact provokes a purification that paves the way to the renewed times of pure and clean mental consciousness, the wide, bright and elevated awareness of the Aquarius Age.
When was the last time Pluto crossed the heavenly territory of Capricorn? It occurred on the eve of the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution (1789-1793). That was the moment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the starting point of the transition to Aquarius Age. The midpoint of the transition was the year of 1900, as indicated by H.P. Blavatsky. The completion of the transit from the Pisces Age into the Aquarius Age took place in 2007-2008. [2]
The transition or “twilight” between the two eras takes 215 years, which corresponds to ten per cent of the duration of an age. There are 215 years between 1793 and 2007-2008, and the year of 1900 is their “axial” point.
Pluto’s task until the year 2023 is one of the factors that help complete another phase in the transition into and dawn of a new consciousness.
Since the Age transition (1793-2008) is closed, it is the time for “putting the house in order”. The agenda includes changing the geological and ecological relation of our humanity with its planet. Pluto is associated to the Karma of the past, to transmutation, to the death and destruction of old useless things.
Astrologically, this small planet is the regent of the subterranean levels of our Earth. Pluto is related, therefore, to the earthquakes and to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, provoked by the unnatural use of fossil fuels. On the physical as well as the psychological and spiritual realms, this mysterious planet provokes a sudden and total transmutation of life, not without violence on the lower dimensions of reality. Pluto brings us creative and surprising transitions towards the greater Life. It naturally works according to our accumulated Karma as humans. His influence is closely associated with those of the other “galactical” planets of our solar system, its “brothers” Neptune, the co-regent of Pisces, the recently closed age, and Uranus, the co-regent of Aquarius, the age that has already started. [3]
Pluto also brings us healing and rebirth.
From the point of view of the theosophical movement, the period until 2023-2025 is a unique opportunity to get rid of the illegitimate bureaucratic shells built on the basis of illusion and blind belief.
The same takes place in the life of every individual: this is a time when one must renew himself and be born again every day. It is unfeasible to remain innerly changeless. On the other hand, it is possible to establish “a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life”. (2 Corinthians, 3:6) Thus the Aquarian Wisdom will be able to emerge and bring us the time when the Piscean dream of universal brotherhood becomes part of our concrete reality.
[1] See page 202, volume II, “Isis Unveiled”, by H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophy Co., Los Angeles.
[2] See chapter 22 in the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline (The Aquarian Theosophist, 2013, 255 pp.). The chapter is entitled “The Theosophical Movement, 1875-2075, the Hundred-Year Cycle and the Dawning of the Aquarius Age”.
[3] There is a curiously harmonious mathematical relation among the cycles of these three planets, which bring us the energy of the galaxy to our solar system and complement the role played by the Sun.
The above text is a translation from the Portuguese language article “Plutão: Dois Mil Anos de Luta Até 2023”, which is available at our associated websites.
Readers might like to see the articles “The Bright Side of Saturn”, “A Few Words on Uranus”, “Neptune, a Mystery In Front of Us”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline, and “The History of a Planet: Venus”, by Helena Blavatsky. All of them are available at our associated websites.
In September 2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, a group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in the different dimensions of life.
E-Theosophy e-group offers a regular study of the classic, intercultural theosophy taught by Helena P. Blavatsky (photo).

Those who want to join E-Theosophy e-group at YahooGroups can do that by visiting https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/E-Theosophy/info.