And an Opportunity to Change for
the Better, From the HPB Defense Project
the Better, From the HPB Defense Project
The Aquarian Theosophist

A Universal view of life stimulates compassion for all beings
“In each instance the individual
traitor and enemy was given his chance…”
(An Eastern Master of the Wisdom, in “The
Mahatma Letters”, Letter XCI-b, T.U.P. edition, p. 416)
“Professional editors of any legitimate publication
do know that they can’t publish fake documents or slanders.”
(One of the editors of “The Aquarian Theosophist”)
It is disloyalty to Truth itself, not those souls who fall in disloyalty, which one must oppose.
And there is no need to make an effort to look like we are impersonal. We must be impersonal, instead, and always keep a door open to self-deluded people so that they can redeem themselves as far as it depends on us.
The H.P.B. Defense Project has therefore nothing whatsoever against the persons of those who have the nerve of circulating slanders against H.P.B., as if they had been written by herself, in the name of the Theosophical Publishing House, U.S.A.
We strongly wish such slanderers the best.
We know that the correct way to help these people is not to allow them to freely proceed in treason to their own higher principles and ethics. The reason for this is that disloyalty regarding truth – in any department of life – is no good karma for them, or for anyone else.
The way to help slanderers is to keep before them the open chance to change course for the better. This we have done since 2004. The offer must be made and renewed regardless of the actual chances one may see that it will be accepted.
In environmental law enforcement, anywhere in the globe, a deal can be reached in the right moment so that the offender will help repair the damage made, and will have then the chance to get comparatively clean before Karma, and the law.
A fake volume of “Letters of H. P. Blavatsky” was published in December 2003 by the TPH-U.S.A. It was prepared by the amateurish editor Dr. John Algeo, of the U.S.A., and his ethically naïve “editorial council”.[1] In 2013, a book in paper in defense of H.P. Blavatsky was published which helps reduce the occult effects of the Dr. Algeo’s slanders. Its title is “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”.
Taking the above facts into consideration, we would like to suggest that the TPH-U.S.A. should publish an honest “Errata” admitting their grave mistakes.
Such an Errata should circulate as part of every copy of their volume with “Letters of H. P. Blavatsky”. If the TPH-USA makes such a decision, it will prove it has respect for truth, for facts, and for ethics. It can redeem itself from such a disgusting mistake as the publication of false letters slandering HPB.
One must be vigilantly fair, and generous, and pure of mind, towards those who attack one’s Sacred Teachers.
We have made several similar offers in private and in public since 2004. They are still valid. Hence the present offer, updated in July 2016.
[1] Professional editors of any legitimate publication do know that they can’t publish fake documents or slanders. Every editor must publish true texts, not false – unless he is a scoundrel, or a naïve and ill-advised amateur.
An initial version of the above article was published at “The Aquarian Theosophist”, January 2013, under the title of “H.P.B. Defense Project – 2013; An Opportunity to Change for the Better”.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.