An E-Group Which Helps Living a
Constant Self-Renewal At All Times
Constant Self-Renewal At All Times

Self-confidence and mutual confidence are essential and inseparable factors in life.
A constant self-renewal is possible at all times, not only for human associations but for individuals as well. Such a process needs independent efforts, self-responsibility, and active forms of solidarity. An international e-group which has clear goals and methods is an instrument to promote that.
Created in July 2010, the E-Theosophy YahooGroup works from the point of view of the original theosophy. It investigates old and new possibilities regarding the future of theosophical movement. It promotes a living link between the Teaching and one’s outer life; and it is inspired by a commitment to Ethics.
Although E-Theosophy is a comparatively recent initiative, it has been gradually emerging as a non-bureaucratic group of geographically scattered, innerly like-minded students.
Its members have different backgrounds and are broadly situated around the world. They are united by an internal affinity on the plane of universal ideas and ideals, while individual freedom and personal responsibility are preserved and promoted.
E-Theosophy is an online laboratory where one can search for, and build, bridges into the future. It is also a place for sharing and strengthening one’s daily efforts to live up to classical esoteric philosophy, and to its ideal of human progression and perfection.
If you want to know more about this initiative, see the text “The Guidelines Of E-Theosophy”, which can be found in our associated websites.
In order to join E-Theosophy, visit https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/E-Theosophy/info .
On the task of the esoteric movement during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.