The opening thought of our February edition says:
He who leaves aside desire is able to have a real purpose in life.
On page one the reader sees a few lines on “The Energy of the Sun in Pisces”. Page two presents “The Lord of the Seas” and “A Dialogue in Every Soul”.
The Power of Voluntary Simplicity” is on page three. On page four, “Is Family Life a Duty? A Door to the Secret Wisdom of Theosophy”.  The note “The Territory of Peace” starts on page five. On page six, “The Theosophy of Numbers”. The note “The Light of Wisdom in Human Soul” is on page seven.  
The February 2017 edition includes these topics:
* Getting Closer to the Divine World: A Choice Before the Student;
* A Mahatma, On the Real Task Of the Theosophical Movement;
* Thoughts Along the Road;
* Our Planetary Life – Atma and the North Pole;
* Blind Belief Loses Strength;
* Self-Discipline and Perseverance; and
* ILT or the Paradox of Independence.
The 15 pp. edition includes the List of New Texts in our associated websites.
You can find the entire collection of The Aquarian” at our associated websites.
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